Date: May 19, 2025
Learn the Music: Dance for Love by Z. Randall Stroope. For the audition, prepare up to measure 22. Here’s a video! No need to memorize!
Prepare a Solo: If you are not a current Minnesinger, please choose a solo to sing. Any song, any style; choose something that shows off your voice. Your music teacher can help with this!
Sign-Ups: Choose a time to audition and enter your name and email address. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early! Sign up here.
Bring to the Auditions: 1) Audition Form: Print, fill out, and bring to auditions! 2) Two Teacher Recommendations – ask two teachers to comment on your commitment, work ethic, and character. Print here.
Director’s Expectations: Please read to understand the expectations of the group.
Audition Process: We know that auditions can be a bit scary. In order to minimize your anxiety, auditions are done blind, so you will not see the judges and we will not see you, and we won’t know who you are until after the results have been tallied. The best thing you can do to feel comfortable is to be very prepared with your music! When the day comes around, enter in through the purple stage door (no. 27), around the building to the right from the PAC lobby, across from the shed. Go in to the band room and find the Stage Manager, Jeff Caruthers, and check in with him. He will let you know when you are to sing. There will be current Minnesingers there to help with warm-ups and to answer questions, and to sing through the song a few times. During the audition, you will sing Dance for Love and your solo, then we will do a range check (scale up and down) as well as pitch matching. Results will be available by the end of the week. Remember, we want you do well! Good luck, and please email Mrs. Chandler with any questions.